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Fair Honors Donations To Structure At Fair Grounds

Aug 17, 2022 (0)

Fair Donors - The Holt County Fair Board thanked individuals who donated to make the new food stand, ticket booth and restrooms a reality at the fair grounds. Pictured is Sharon Troester and fair board members Della Grass and Heather Tomjack.
Fair Donors - The Holt County Fair Board thanked individuals who donated to make the new food stand, ticket booth and restrooms a reality at the fair grounds. Pictured is Lauri Havranek and Pam Winer members of the Holt County Visitors Committee and fair board members Della Grass and Heather Tomjack.
Fair Donors - The Holt County Fair Board thanked individuals who donated to make the new food stand, ticket booth and restrooms a reality at the fair grounds. Pictured is Sydney McKay of Herd Co. and fair board members Della Grass and Heather Tomjack.

The 2022 Holt County Fair ended on Saturday, Aug. 13. New at the fair this year was the addition of a new building for food, tickets and restrooms. The project was a challenge but through the donations of the citizens and businesses of Holt County it became a reality this year.

The Holt County Fair Board  would like to thank these sponsors for their generous donations to help make the new food stand/ticket booth and restrooms such a great addition to the fairgrounds. "We can't do these great improvements without the help of such wonderful sponsors," said fair board member Della Grass.

The fair board would like to recognize the following for helping with this project, Holt County Farm Bureau, Dennis Vandersnick Family, Dave and Sharon Throester, Herdco, TC Energy, Mike and Debra Kelly Farm, Dennis Baumert, Kirk and Barb Shane, Bohlender Colorado Farms, Dan and Della Grass, J.E. Meuret, Holt County Visitor's Improvement Fund, John Prouty Construction and Stuart Concrete.


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