O'Neill Hall Of Fame Winners Announced

The O'Neill Hall of Fame winners were announced at the Summe...


Nebraska January 1 Cattle Inventory

LINCOLN, Neb. Jan. 31 All cattle and calves in Nebraska as of Jan. 1, 2022 totaled 6.80 million head, down 1% from Jan. 1, 2021, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

All cows and heifers that had calved totaled 1.89 million head, down 3% from last year.

Beef cows totaled 1.83 million head, down 3% from last year.

Milk cows totaled 58,000 head, down 3% from Jan. 1, 2021.

All heifers 500 pounds and over totaled 1.94 million head, down 2 percent from last year.

Steers weighing 500 pounds and over totaled 2.54 million head, up 3% from last year.

Bulls weighing 500 pounds and over totaled 110,000 head, unchanged from last year.

Calves under 500 pounds totaled 320,000 head, down 9% from Jan. 1, 2021.

All cattle on feed fed for slaughter in Nebraska feedlots totaled 2.82 million head, up 4% from the previous year.

The 2021 calf crop totaled 1.69 million head, down 3% from 2020.

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