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Cardinals Place High In Winside Invite

Jan 15, 2025 (0)

Last Friday, Jan. 10, the St. Mary's Cardinals visited Winside and the boys came home with a nice sixth place team ranking overall.

Boys Results

1. Randolph 152.0

2. Weeping Water 134.0

3. Homer 114.5

4. Osmond 102.5

5. Winnebago 89.5

6. St. Mary's 82.0

7. Tri County Northeast 62.5

8. Twin River 60.0

9. Winside 59.0

10. Ponca 50.5

11. Bancroft Rosalie 48.5

12. Cedar Bluffs 42.0

13. Millard North 29.5

14. Lyons Decatur Northeast 29.0

15. Newman Grove-St. Edward 28.0

16. Crofton - Bloomfield 26.0

17. Niobrara Verdigre 25.0

Placing for the boys were:

Keigan Couch placed 1st in 126 lb.

Jace Rosenkrans placed 1st in 175 lb.

Dalton Herley placed 1st in 215 lb.

One day later the Girls competed and, unfortunately, weren't able to place as well as the boys.

Girls Results

1. Lakeview 172.0

2. Pierce 144.0

3. Winnebago 89.0

4. Wakefield 78.0

5. Ainsworth 77.5

6. Tekamah Herman 76.0

7. Neligh Oakdale 74.0

8. Lyons Decatur Northeast 59.5

9. Tri County Northeast 52.0

10. Plainview 45.5

11. North Bend Central 45.0

12. Scribner Snyder 44.0

13. Cedar Catholic 32.0

14. Creighton 27.0

15. NEN 24.0

16. Homer 21.0

17. Niobrara Verdigre 20.0

18. Randolph 16.0

19. NG/SE 13.0

20. Schuyler 9.0

21. Bancroft - Rosalie 7.0

22. St. Mary's 4.0

23. Winside 2.0


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