The Virgil Holz family celebrated a milestone last week with the closure of their family business, Holz Lumber. "Dad bought the O'Neill store at a sheriff's auction in 1985 when it was owned by the Terry Lindstrom family. We have been in this location ever since," said Mike Holz. The Holz's got their start in the lumber business in the late 1950's when they acquired the lumber yard in Page. "We borrowed money from our relatives and some money from the bank to buy the big saw we still have in the back and I was so worried how we were ever gonna pay our operating loans". The Holz's continued to flourish in the lumber business and acquired a lumber yard in Orchard before moving the operation to O'Neill. The final yard the Holz's ran was in Long Pine. "When Dad and Mom got a little older we had to sell off the stores as it was too hard to run all of the locations," said Mike. "We had a great run and are thankful for all of our customers that kept us in business," said Carol Anne.
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